Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) - 1045 Words
â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; One of the Leading Causes of High Unemployment Rates among U.S. Veterans†The newest face of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has manifested itself regularly into action packed movies, public scrutiny, and negative stereotypes by the media. The unfortunate truth surrounding PTSD is that employers are unenthusiastic about hiring veterans with these hidden disabilities. Unemployment rates in the United States amongst post 9/11 veterans have significantly increased and employers consider the condition and impairment or obstacle. Although research and advanced technology has enhanced the public’s awareness of PTSD, understanding the contributing factors to PTSD, why companies are hesitant in hiring veterans, how does this affect veteran unemployment rates, and what avenues are available to assist veterans in rejoining the workforce. Understanding PTSD In order to understand why leading companies view sufferers of the disorder as untrustworthy or undependable, we must understand the meaning of PTSD. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, â€Å"PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault.†(U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2013) Compared to their civilian counterparts, 262,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have sough post-traumatic stress disorder treatment form Veterans Affairs (VA).Show MoreRelatedPost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )990 Words  | 4 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is a common anxiety disorder characterized by chronic physical arousal, recurrent unwanted thoughts and images of the traumatic event, and avoidance of things that can call the traumatic event into mind (Schacter, Gilbert, Wegner, Nock, 2014). About 7 percent of Americans suffer from PTSD. Family members of victims can also develop PTSD and it can occur in people of any age. The diagnosis for PTSD requires one or more symptoms to beRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1471 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Student’s Name Course Title School Name April 12, 2017 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder that many people are facing every day, and it appears to become more prevalent. This disorder is mainly caused by going through or experiencing a traumatic event, and its risk of may be increased by issuesRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1401 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to the Mayo-Clinic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD is defined as â€Å"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that s triggered by a terrifying event  either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event†(Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Post Traumatic Stress disorder can prevent one from living a normal, healthy life. In 2014, Chris Kyle playedRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1198 Words  | 5 Pages Post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is a mental illness that is triggered by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. â€Å"PTSD was first brought to public attention in relation to war veterans, but it can result from a variety of traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes(NIMH,2015).†PTSD is recognized as a psychobiological mentalRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1423 Words  | 6 Pages Mental diseases and disorders have been around since humans have been inhabiting earth. The field of science tasked with diagnosing and treating these disorders is something that is always evolving. One of the most prevalent disorders in our society but has only recently been acknowledged is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Proper and professional diagnosis and definitions of PTSD was first introduced by the American Psychiatric Association(APA) in the third edition of the Diagnostic andRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1162 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Identity, Groups, and PTSD In 1980, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD,) was officially categorized as a mental disorder even though after three decades it is still seen as controversial. The controversy is mainly founded around the relationship between post-traumatic stress (PTS) and politics. The author believes that a group level analysis will assist in understanding the contradictory positions in the debate of whether or not PTSD is a true disorder. The literature regarding this topicRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1550 Words  | 7 PagesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder â€Å"PTSD is a disorder that develops in certain people who have experienced a shocking, traumatic, or dangerous event†(National Institute of Mental Health). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has always existed, PTSD was once considered a psychological condition of combat veterans who were â€Å"shocked†by and unable to face their experiences on the battlefield. Much of the general public and many mental health professionals doubted whether PTSD was a true disorder (NIMH)Read MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )944 Words  | 4 Pageswith Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD Stats). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental disorder common found in veterans who came back from war. We can express our appreciation to our veterans by creating more support programs, help them go back to what they enjoy the most, and let them know we view them as a human not a disgrace. According to the National Care of PTSD, a government created program, published an article and provides the basic definition and common symptoms of PTSD. Post-traumaticRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1780 Words  | 8 Pagesmental illnesses. One such illness is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that affects a person’s sympathetic nervous system response. A more common name for this response is the fight or flight response. In a person not affected by post-traumatic stress disorder this response activates only in times of great stress or life threatening situations. â€Å"If the fight or flight is successful, the traumatic stress will usually be released or dissipatedRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1444 Words  | 6 PagesYim – Human Stress 2 December 2014 PTSD in War Veterans Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that is fairly common with individuals that have experienced trauma, especially war veterans. One in five war veterans that have done service in the Iraq or Afghanistan war are diagnosed with PTSD. My group decided to focus on PTSD in war veterans because it is still a controversial part of stressful circumstances that needs further discussion. The lifetime prevalence of PTSD amongst war
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Anxiety Stress Gone Crazy - 1672 Words
ANXIETY: STRESS GONE CRAZY Imagine a person who becomes anxious about common everyday activities,the person starts to shake, sweat, or even faint. The effects of anxiety disorders range from simple nerves to serious health issues or even death. are a small For some, anxiety is a common problem in everyday life. It is important to understand anxiety, understand the signs and symptoms, and understand how to treat the disorder. UNDERSTANDING ANXIETY In the world today, it is nearly impossible to live a life without worrying because so much can go wrong. Plans do not always work out and it is necessary to have multiple backup plans. According to Kathleen McGuire,who wrote an article titled, â€Å"Is Anxiety Holding You Back?†anxiety is an†¦show more content†¦Anxiety occurs more often than one might think. It is the most common mental illness in the world today (Bayer 11). People feel it every day and everyone will experience it at some point in a their life. When it interferes with someone’s physical activity, they should talk to a doctor. Some people are ashamed about their anxiety disorder, but being anxious is not always a bad thing; it can push and prepare someone for an upcoming event, or just life itself (12). By expecting this pressure from anxiety a person can accomplish more, rather than being uncomfortable about the situation. According to Anxiety Panic Disorders Health Center, feeling anxious is a normal part of life. It can be triggered by big or everyday events that would be interfered with by anxiety. Anyone can get the disorder at any time or place. Although anxiety is the most common disorder in the world, it is not always bad, we learn from the pressure of anxiety and may get more work done and stay on task.. Anxiety shows up in many different people, more often than someone may think. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (National Institute of Mental Health), â€Å"between 3 and 6 million Americans suffer from panic disorder†(Bayer 22-23). Also, the DSM-iv states, â€Å"as many as 65 percent of people with panic disorders also experience serious depression; in one-third of those causes, the onset of depression occurs firstâ€
Monday, December 9, 2019
Actor-Network Theory in Education
Question: Critical grasp of actor network theory and some additional concepts from the module. Work includes contemporary debates, issues and discussions. Links are successfully. Discussed between the news stories and the computing assemblage. Accurate Harvard referencing. Answer: Introduction In this essay two computing news have been studied and analyzed using the principles of Actor Network theory. The news has been taken from the database of news lying in the period of 1st January 2016 to 31st March 2016. In both the stories, there is a network being impacted by one or more actants. The terms actant and network are key terms of ANT. The analysis shows that Actant can be human or non-human and both are of equal importance. The theory does not differentiate between society and nature, true and false, content and context, micro and macro levels, agency and structure, etc. but treats everything as a result of collective activities that are networked together with heterogeneous elements amalgamated together. It identifies these elements as actors that can be textual, conceptual, social and technical. Actor Network Theory Actor Network Theory (ANT) is a conceptual framework that explores socio-technological processes suggesting that scientific work is not much different from the work of social activities. This theory doesnt favor any one of realism or social constructivism views but believes in juxtaposition of social, technical, textual and conceptual processes bringing transformations. Act on Act on Humans ANT does not differentiate between a non-human entity and human entity on the basis of ontology. ANT states that non-human entities are equally important in the network and not completely controlled by human actants. Act on Material Environment ANT usually describes the infrastructure of assemblage i.e. assemblage. It focuses on the formation and breaking of the network. Act on Cultures ANT has also been used in preforming research on stability of assemblage hence is considered to impact the quality and complexity of the systems. Story 1: Apple co-founder criticises company over Apple Watch In this story, Wonziac expresses his dissatisfaction with the product development approach that is taken by Tim Cook as the CEO of the Apple organization. He believed in the capability of the company to innovate and come up with unique products in the times when Steve Jobs was heading the organization but the new approach in which all watches products look similar with only differences in colors and the designs, Wonziac compares the same with a jewelry business claiming that the brand is losing its originality and innovation as a capability. This story suggests how technological transformations are affected by the social concerns. The actants in this story include the people that are Steve Jobs, Tim Cook and Wozniak, texts that include the promotional campaigns and news coverage provided to the concerns, material that is the technology used for the watch as a product that is newly launched by Apple, and conceptual actants that include the company values and process that were established by the organization. According to the theory, this story can be seen as a network formed out of these elements such that they are juxtaposed to affect the collective activity. For instance, Steve Jobs is an actant as per theory who has affected the social as well as material side of the organization by establishing processes while Wonziak as an individual actor agrees with this processes by disagrees with the approaches taken by Tim Cook who is another actant as per the theory. There are different nodes and links that can be identified in the story to be forming the network that is a mix of all identified elements. These nodes include three individuals including Tim Cook, Steve Jobs and Wonziak, technological element that is the watch, conceptual element that is the innovation streak of the organization as well as Apple as a brand and textual element in the form of promotional exposure the new product is getting in the media. Connections or links can be made between these different categories of elements such as: Steve Jobs can be linked to the innovative streak of Apple Tim Cook can be connected to the innovation again while he aims to make changes in the regular approach set by Steve Jobs Apple brand as an actant can be connected with every other element affecting every decision that is taken by any other actant of the network Apple as a brand and as an organization collectively is responsible for producing the apple watch and thus, a direct connection can be established between the two actants. The products produced by Apple were affected by the position of the CEO such that when Steve Jobs was heading the division, the products manufactured were innovative, unique and with rich functionalities for its customers while when the same division is head by Tim Cook, the approach to product development changes such that the products are more focused on the price points that are significant and the users who would be buying the same would be concerned more about the status rather than the innovative features that were provided by Apple products at the time it was headed by Steve Jobs. Culture scale In the story, the resulting assemblage formed out of all these elements is the Apple Watch Market that is newly formed from the four types of elements that include Tim Cook who is the core decision maker of production, Apple brand which brings out the associations of status with users, the textual messages disbursed by the actants like Wonziac who has a negative view of the product and the technological capabilities of the organization. This assemblage would affect how the product would perform in the market. Story 2: Your selfish driving is making urban congestion worse This story talks about a plan of local authorities in different countries that are used for reducing traffic congestion on busy streets of the cities. USA demands road users to diversify their routes such that getting to destination becomes faster for everyone together. OpenStreetMaps are used by them for analyzing journeys of road users using mobile phone data sets called CDRs such that their movements, timestamps, starting and ending points of the time can be identified using real time GPS data. It was found by researchers of University of Birmingham that 15-30 minutes out of total day commute is lost due to bad routing and thus 30 % less time can be spend in congestion if routing is right. This would however require drivers to adjust routes for benefits of others such that numbers of drivers who get benefited are more than the number of drivers making sacrifices. Smart phone applications can be used for identification of optimum routes by these drivers aimed to reduce congestion. Autonomous vehicles can be used for making self-adjustments to routes for reducing congestion in future. In this story, actants can be clearly identified as be textual, conceptual, social and technical including social actors that are drivers, traffic control authorities and regular commuters of the cities using the network. Technical actors would include the GPS systems, OpenStreeMaps, CDRs, mobile applications, and autonomous cars. Textual actants would include the promotional campaigns, media messages that are displaced for creating awareness about the congestion in the drivers as well as the messages that are displayed by the technological applications for making them aware of the best routing options for the travel. As per the theory, various kinds can be established between these actants such as : The drivers that make the social actants are affected by the technological actants that include cars, mobile applications such that they would chose the appropriate routes for their travel. Compromise of the drivers in the use of applications and routes that are the technological actants would also affect other social drivers by making it easy for them to commute thereby reducing the congestion on the road, The textual messages spread by the authorities on the awareness of the congestion and use of optimized routes for travelling would affect both technical capabilities as more applications would be used or developed as well as autonomous cards would gain visibility as well as the social connections or actants that include other drivers who would gain control over their time taken for travel as well as the time spend in the congestion. Cultural Scale On the culture scale, the story identifies that drivers do impact the road network. All these actants form the assemblage that is formed from drivers, technological applications, materials like cars, and the capabilities of authorities in convincing drivers of making use of the best routing and comprising for the benefit of whole society that is the part of the assemblage. This will result in reducing the congestion by considerable level. Knowledge Scale On the knowledge scale, the story states that alternate and short routing mechanism do reduce the congestion and having good knowledge of online maps can facilitate them to contribute more in reducing the congestion. Enhancing Management On the basis of analysis of two computing news, it can be stated that technologies do enhance the working of the actants. In story 2, several other technologies for example: self driving cars, can also be used in addition to current maps. Driverless cars can help in estimating short routes to reduce the congestion level. Issues raised by Contemporary Computing On the basis of analysis of two computing stories, it can be depicted that human behavior does get affected by the introduction of phones and new technologies. This results because of the increase in dependency level among them. Contemporary computing indeed helps the facilitating communication between both the sides but it does affect the human neural competency as it leads to inputting more data than it can be used. The main reason of contemporary computing to remain in our daily is the amount of feedback obtained through it. Conclusion It was found that the various actants work together on the performance of the assemblage that includes nodes in the forms of the individual actants and the connections that take forward the assemblage to perform at a certain level. Various actants appear to be different and disconnected with each other while performing their own activities but when forming the whole assemblage, they get affected by each other. For instance, in case of the Apple story, the social actant that was Tim Cook affected how the products were developed and promoted while the technological capabilities of the organization affected how the brand was seen in the eyes of social actors that included the users of the Apple devices. In the similar manner, in the story of congestion, the social actants including drivers and commuters on the road were affected by technological elements like cars, GPS, CDS, mobile applications that affect the way routes are chosen by social actors that include drivers. References Fenwick, T. and Edwards, R. (2010).Actor-network theory in education. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Fenwick, T. and Edwards, R. (2012).Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Hern, A. (2016).Apple co-founder criticises company over Apple Watch. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016]. Wired UK. (2016).Taking 'socially-aware' GPS routes could improve congestion (Wired UK). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016].
Monday, December 2, 2019
The play undergoes a significant change Essay Example For Students
The play undergoes a significant change Essay The mood in Act 1 of the play undergoes a significant change. Priestley uses different techniques throughout the play to build up suspense and tension and the end of the act catches up the audience in the tense atmosphere Priestley has created. In the beginning of Act 1 the mood in the Birling household is jolly and high hearted, Giving us the port Edna? You ought to like this port Gerald this give us the impression that the mood is joyful because they are drinking and wanting to include everyone in the party; special occasion this just adds to our ideas concerning the atmosphere between the characters conveying an image of happiness and celebration. Gerald makes the comment You all seem to be a nice, well-behaved family which is ironic because of all the troubles to come later in the play. We will write a custom essay on The play undergoes a significant change specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The special occasion is the engagement between Sheila Birling and Gerald Croft, Mr Birling is pleased that Sheila is marrying Gerald for two reasons: he likes Gerald and Geralds father is the owner of a more powerful business and Mr. Birling is hoping for a merger between the two companies. The statement: Its one of the happiest nights of my life proves that he likes Gerald and he is happy for Sheila. This next quotation conveys that Mr. Birling would like a merger with Geralds fathers company: We may look forward to a time when Crofts and Birlings Are no longer competing but are working together  For lower costs and higher prices. This shows Mr. Birlings enthusiastic interest in the engagement, which therefore provides added reason to celebrate in a happy atmosphere. Mr Birling always has a lot to say, and is the dominant speaker out of the family so they all follow his lead, which gives a decisive encouragement to the merger. The entrance of the Inspector plays an essential part in the changing of the atmosphere. Firstly as soon as the Inspector is mentioned the tension increases, A police inspector. He says his names Inspector Goole. This event adds to the tension on two counts: initially the name Goole adds suspense by the association with the ghoul as an evil creature, casting a shadow and adding an edge. Here Priestly hints to the audience that the Inspector is going to be the cause of something unfortunate for the Birling family. Secondly, mentioning that he is a police inspector adds to the tension because usually when the police are mentioned all the signs point to trouble. Priestleys technique here to add tension is good because the audience are now drawn into the play, eager to see what business a policeman has at a jolly family gathering and waiting to see what twist the plot will take. The Inspectors approach to the investigation also adds to the suspense building, as he uses questions and technique. One of these ways is by how hostile and formal the Inspector is: It might be, you know, I dont like that tone The hostility really gives the impression of the mood starting to turn bitter and sour through the role of the inspector and the questions he asks: I think you remember Eva Smith now, dont you Mr Birling? The language used conveys the impression of bitterness the way the Inspector says you twice makes us think the inspector is patronising Mr Birling by telling him what he knows and perhaps hinting at Mr. Birling knowing more than the others about Eva Smith. Another way is to give his own judgment to the events in asking leading questions, whereas a genuine police inspector would not do this: Better to ask for the earth than to take it shows his opinion when Mr Birling is telling him about Eva Smith, the strike and the sacking. Giving his opinion adds to the tension because it is an alternative viewpoint of the of the strike which implies Mr Birling seem in the wrong to sack her. In these comments, the Inspector is of acting as a social commentator, comparing and contrasting the power of Mr Birling over Eva Smith, and perhaps suggesting that he does not wholly agree with his actions prior to the suicide.
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